UAE Visa Overstay Fine

UAE Visa Overstay Fines – Updated (2023)

Following the change in UAE visa regulations at the start of October 2022, the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security has published the new fines for visa overstay for both visit visas and resident visas.

Previously the overstay fine for the visit visas was 100 AED and now it has been reduced to 50 AED per day.

The overstay fine for resident visas is now also 50 AED per day a rise from the previous amount of 25 AED.

This means the new system unified the amount of UAE visa overstay fine to 50 AED per day for any type of visa violator.

How To Check Overstay Fines

You can check the exact amount of the fine you have on your visa on the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security website.

Navigate to the website using this link 

UAE Visa Overstay Fine

  • Under file type select Resident for fines on resident visa or Permit to check fines on tourist visa.
  • Select the place of issue
  • Enter file number which is found on your visa
  • Enter your date of birth and gender
  • Answer the security question and click submit.
  • You will see the number of days you have overstayed and the total fine amount.

To learn more on how to apply for a UAE visit visa check this article.

UAE Visa Overstay Fines | Updated (2022)
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UAE Visa Overstay Fines | Updated (2022)
The UAE visa overstay fine has been unified to 50 AED per day for all types of visas, that is visit visas and resident visas.
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